Dentures – Nepean, ON

Reliable, Durable, and Natural-Looking Replacement Teeth

Man and woman sitting on beach and smiling with dentures in Nepean

When you think about dentures, you might envision those that your grandmother or grandfather wore. Although the goal of these dental prosthetics remains the same – to replicate smiles and offer greater function by replacing missing teeth – the materials used to create dentures now allow for more pleasing aesthetics while also delivering greater durability. At Nepean Dental Centre, Dr. Bal is pleased to work with you to establish your unique needs and deliver high-quality teeth that make life much more enjoyable. Call us if you are ready to take the next step in your smile journey by replacing your missing teeth with dentures in Nepean.

Why Choose Nepean Dental Centre for Dentures?

  • High-Quality Dental Materials Used
  • Innovative Dental Technology for Enhanced Images
  • Partnered with Trusted Dental Labs to Ensure Optimal Results

Am I a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Young man with short beard sitting in dental chair

If you’re unsure whether you are a candidate for dentures, the first step to take is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bal. It is during this visit that he will evaluate your smile and take images of your teeth, gums, and bone. Based on his findings, you will be recommended for a full, partial, or implant denture.

If multiple missing teeth exist along a row, a partial denture will help you to smile again. If an entire arch of teeth is missing, you may find that a full denture can give you the results you desire. It’s also possible that if your jawbone is dense enough, and your oral and overall health are in good shape, a denture secured by dental implants can offer longer-lasting results.

The Types of Dentures

Hand holding a partial denture

When discussing tooth replacement solutions, three are currently available: partial dentures, full dentures, and implant dentures.

  • Partial Denture – Much like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into place, a partial denture fills in the gaps. With metal clasps that attach to regular teeth, this unique design blends real and artificial teeth so that no one will ever know the difference.
  • Full Denture – Similar to a partial, full dentures do not require metal clasps but instead natural suction. Using the same acrylic base and artificial teeth as partials, these prosthetics replace entire arches of missing teeth, delivering fully restored appearances.
  • Implant Dentures – While the denture itself is much like its traditional counterpart, the way it attaches is vastly different. Instead of relying on suction and denture adhesive, implant dentures are secured to four to six titanium posts that are surgically placed within the jawbone, creating a permanent foundation for your smile.

Implant Dentures

Gloved hand holding a full upper denture

If permanence is what you’re looking to achieve, implant dentures can deliver. As part of a multi-step process, these titanium posts look and act like tooth roots helping to stimulate the jawbone and fuse with surrounding tissues to create a firm, solid, and permanent base for customized restorations.

Minor oral surgery is required to place the dental implants, but after thorough healing, a full or partial denture is attached to not only help improve your appearance, but also restore most of your bite force and chewing power. This means that you are free to eat the foods you love.

You’ll also enjoy the positive impact your new teeth have on your mental, emotional, and physical health – all factors that can help to improve your overall well-being.